In spirit of Halloween / Dia de Muertos / Dia do Saci, we dove into the spiritual realm and re-imagined a selection of traditional Tarot cards with a festive, spooky vibe. We originally created the series as stand alone loopable cinemagraphs for Instagram vertical stories, which you can find here on our Tarot highlight reel.

Director: Vini Nascimento
Producer: Jill Wilkie
Design: Emily Muszczak, Leandro Beltran Rodrigo Rezende, Runbo Chen, Vini Nascimento
Animation: Flavio Diniz, Joseph Recoskie, Leandro Beltran, Runbo Chen, Vini Nascimento,
Modeling: Flavio Diniz, Leandro Beltran, Rodrigo Rezende, Runbo Chen, Vini Nascimento,
Light & Render: Leandro Beltran, Rodrigo Rezende, Runbo Chen, Vini Nascimento
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